
Showing posts from May, 2020

- Living in the Philippines - Traveling Filipino Style

(This article is mainly about transportation before the mandatory constraints were issued in view of the worldwide pandemic. Currently most inter-island travel is suspended throughout the Islands. Who knows what changes will occur in prices and procedures in the future.) Getting around in the Philippines can be an interesting process, especially when you consider that the nation is made up of over 7600 islands. For most people, it is not as simple as jumping in the car for a trip whether it be of half a mile or a couple of thousand miles as is common in the US. For travel between islands, one has two options: air travel and water travel. Inter-island Travel – Air To me it is surprisingly easy to travel by air here. Most of the more populated islands have at least one airport capable of handling commercial traffic, and it is often not expensive. In fact if you make a reservation a couple of weeks in advance, it can be cheap. We recently flew from Cebu to Cagayan de Or...